keeper of the lost cities sophie
Distinctive Features 'I care about Keefe. Sophie plunges into a terrifying flashback and Keefe tightens his hold on her hand, asking if she's okay. Sophie admits that she wouldn’t know what to do if she didn’t have him, and Keefe reassures her that she’d be fine. 2014 Neverseen. ", "‘You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. Hair Color Sophie thanks Keefe for being there for her. '", "She waited for Keefe to tease her, but he just scooted closer, lifting her head so it rested on his knee instead of the rocky ground. You'll never lose me. Keefe Sencen?' Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a fun fantasy series with elves, special abilities, plenty of ships, and a bit of humour. They are standing really close again and Sophie realizes how dark and long Keefe's eyelashes are. Sophie Foster (So-fee Fos-ter[1]) is the protagonist of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. p. 502. Tam Song. ... Take a personality quiz and find out which character you are most like in the "Keeper of the Lost Cities" series. Keeper of the Lost Cities is an award-winning book series by Shannon Messenger aimed for children ages 8-12. Keefe said that Sophie could never look bad. Most elves have different takes on blue eyes. Then Keefe nudges Fitz over and places a hand on her shoulder to catch her if she falls, saying "I think this is a two-person job. Sophie promises Keefe she would help him get through the transformation that Lady Gisela was going to do. " When she didn't answer, he took both of her hands, and she couldn't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes. He raised one eyebrow as he turned to study her. Sophie doesn't respond. "“I'd rather be punished for making the right decision than live with the guilt of making the wrong one the rest of my life.”" Sophie is the main character of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series—a girl caught between two worlds, struggling to fit in and still live up to the complicated role she was created for. Keefe dubbed them 'Team Foster-Keefe' in Exile. Keefe and Sophie Keefe explains that he noticed when Sophie was losing it in. 'I know,' he told her. 'I do,' Keefe said, taking her hand as Dex grabbed the other and Fitz and Biana each squeezed her shoulders. It's how I deal. . He tries to explain why he's been there for three days while making it sound like it was just logical but just ends up rambling. It combines the tales of fascinating stories of old, such as Atlantis, with modern-day worries and places seamlessly. 'It is.' 8. (Meaning Keefe). 1. Pairing Name Her numerous abilities are shockingly powerful—especially for someone her age—and she tends to see things differently than everyone else, in large part because of her human upbringing. 'There was no teasing glint to be found. '", Keefe tells Sophie (again) that no one will care if she is. They lock eyes across the room and Sophie’s heart aches. Sokeefe, or Team Foster-Keefe (as named by Keefe) is the romantic/friendship pairing of Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen. She blushed at the slightest catch in his voice – and then wished she hadn't when he flashed his trademark smirk. "'Foster, Foster, Foster--always so adorably oblivious. Fix me, Foster. Keefe is very worried that Sophie is with him and desperately tries to make her go back home. Books Fantasy & Mythology Keeper Of The Lost Cities Kotlc Sophie Foster ... Keefe Sencen Fitz Vacker Dex Dizznee Tam Song Linh Song Biana Vacker Wylie Endal Jensi Jensi Babblos Shannon Messenger Boyfriend Boyfriend Quiz Report This is an immersive, well-built, and well-told tale that caters to a middle grade audience mostly due to its 12-year-old protagonist, Sophie … Maybe if she never let go, she could hold the broken pieces together. The toes of their boots were almost touching, and his breath felt warm on her cheeks. Status "No you wouldn't," Grady informed him. I don't know what's wrong with me.' Her stomach gets all fluttery when she realizes how their boots are almost touching and how she can feel his warm breath on her cheeks. Sophie Foster wasn't taken to the Lost Cities when she was twelve. Talent/Ability The day she meets Fitz everything changes. When Keefe is asked about the love triangle (in the registry files) he writes that it is her choice of who she likes and that we should 'stay out of it' the thing is only Keefe gets asked about the love triangle-, not Fitz. He’s a mysterious boy who can also read minds like her and appears out of nowhere. ", "He stepped closer then, so close she could count the snowflakes in his eyelashes, which were much longer and darker than she realized. Everything changes the day she meets Fitz, a mysterious (and adorable) boy who appears out of nowhere, and who can also read minds like her. The main character is Amy Foster, Sophie's sister, and the story focuses on her life after she comes back home from the Lost Cities. Story added by kotlcpineapple on December 3, 2020. Keefe wraps his arm around Sophie saying that Sophie gets worked when she's trying to protect him, but Sophie shoves him away and says he might get killed if he does whatever he wants. Dex is described as skinny, with strawberry blond hair and periwinkle eyes. -» Keeper of the Lost Cities / KOTLC 10 Questions - Developed by: Lace the Humorous - Updated on: 2020-06-04 - Developed on: 2018-08-31 - 105,229 taken - User Rating: 3.2 of 5 - 43 votes - … World: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★ Pacing: ★★★★ Series potential: ★★★★★ Keeper of the Lost Cities is not your average middle grade read. 'For what?' Sophie Foster. #bianavacker #dex #dexdizznee #fitz #fitzvacker #keefesencen #keeper #sophie #sophiefoster #sophitz #thesongtwins 15 likes. She is always there for others and tries to take on the world (and get hurt), so her friends and family would be safe she also likes to jump into things to protect her loved ones. When he leans in Sophie's stomach flutters as his breath tickles her skin. She was made to save the entire world. Sophie Foster. It is a wonderful tale of determination and magic. 'I'm glad you're back,' Sophie told him, keeping her voice low--just for the two of them. But the last one's easy. However, it has also attracted hundreds of teen and young adult readers due to its riveting plot, intricate themes, and death-defying cliffhangers. Keefe joked with Sophie after she was crying about not getting anything done to help her parents, which she said made her feel better. But you can't fix me.’", "‘I know. Sophie really appreciates the gift and wears it immediately. And in case I don't, there's something I need you to know. Keefe says that Sophie has a cute crease in-between her eyebrows and then points out that her feelings seem fluttery around him. 3 *~Collab~With~SantineMarie~Who~is~A~KOTLC~fan!~* LemonBomBomb. ... ~Sophie from KOTLC (Keeper of the Lost Cities)~ StrawberrySkins. 'I'm not the best?' ", "'No, Foster. 'You're supposed to cry when bad things happen, Foster, not good things.' Keefe gave Sophie two paintings he made for her, one of Sophie. Am I the only one who ships Sophie and Dex? Sophie filled herself with darkness when she hears that the experimented humans died causing Keefe to scoot closer to her and send more soft glowing breezes to push the darkness away and reminds Sophie to once again breathe from the information she has taken in. But whatever it takes, it's going to happen. ', "'Fine, I'll wait until dawn.' when he gently pinned ". Fitz and Keefe make a bet about which stair Sophie will trip on. I need my Foster back - the real one, who bosses me around and is way too much fun to tease.”, “Fine, I'll wait until dawn." Sophie has also shown some signs of liking Keefe, especially in Neverseen, Lodestar, Nightfall, and Unlocked. Plot Summary As a 12-year-old high school senior, Sophie Foster is used to feeling different. Sophie Foster has dirty blonde hair and unusual brown eyes with golden flecks. . 0. However, in Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confront their feelings for each other, which makes them start a relationship, causing the relationship between Sophie and Keefe to be lowered slightly. Sokeefe, Keefoster, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Seefe It is the first book in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. ", "Then he was lost to his floaty dreams, most of which focused on the gold-flecked brown eyes he could never get out of his head.". " Keefe traces his hand across her braid. ― Sophie Foster[source], Sophie Elizabeth Foster Sophie and Keefe grow closer as they rely on each other to move on from their losses. Keefe grabs Sophie's hand and tells her not to let them get into her head, and that she knows what needs to be done. Sophie and Keefe, without speaking, have another window slumber party, although this one is much more somber, and Sophie assures Keefe that she is always there for him. By: BuddingWriter101. TigerEyeRika. when Sophie plunges her hand into a bucket of ice water to learn body temperature regulation. Keefe tells her it helped a lot, and he stopped shaking. Keefe's voice is “soft, timid even,” when he asks her if she hates him. Sophie comforts Keefe after learning about his. Keefe says the thing he missed most about Sophie is her whole adorable-when-angry thing and she replies by saying she misses him too. Keefe leans closer and tells Sophie he's sorry, really, and he'll do whatever it takes to make it up to her. Bio: Sophie is the main character of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series—a girl caught between two worlds, struggling to fit in and still live up to the complicated role she was created for. Keefe is always putting Sophie before anyone else, and they always try to keep each other safe. Additionally, the Black Swan modeled some of her DNA after alicorn DNA, giving her brown eyes and the ability to Teleport. and Sophie blushes. Female Soon enough, Keefe's prediction came true, and Sophie tells him "Not a word. '", "'I don't care about that,' Sophie jumped in. Official Portraits of Sophie Foster As the series progresses, Sophie grows closer to Keefe, and Fitz seems to realise that. Like “She’d spent forever trying to find him something personal, settling on a miniature Albertosaurus covered in deep violet feathers. Sophie accidentally says to Keefe that she likes him (not meaning it in a crush way) and is worried about him; he reassures her that she doesn't have to take care of him, and then says that is what he likes about Sophie. Join them while they have either a … Oh. They made a person. 'No one ever does that.'". She crashes into the wall and he stands in front of her, blocking her from moving, knowing that Sophie's being ridiculous when she said that he should stay away from her, but Keefe claims that he likes to take on a challenge. Sophie Foster. It is not 100% Percent accurate, but no test can be 100% Accurate. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. (Very unusual for an elf.) Keefe says that she must have someone else in mind if she's trying to impress someone (by dressing up) because she always impresses him. And her heart seemed to trip over itself as he leaned close and carefully pinned Krakie to the back of her hand, right in the center.”, Biana ♥ Linh and Biana ♥ Linh ♥ Dex ♥ Fitz ♥ Tam ♥ Keefe and Fitz ♥ Jensi ♥ Keefe ♥ Marella ♥ Valin, Pairings with Fitzroy Avery Vacker (a.k.a. Even when Keefe flashes a smug smirk, Sophie can sense his sadness behind it and pulls him back into a hug. KingMeerkat. It’s one of the things I like about you.’ Her stomach filled with fluttering things, which flitted around even more when she noticed how close they were now standing. '", "Grady rubbed his temples. Sophie hooks her arm through his and gently treats the wound on his hand when he cut it open to get his blood to call. "Grady, meanwhile, was studying Keefe as if he'd never seen him before in his life. Regent/ Leader of Team Valiant Keefe becomes very flustered after Sophie catches him off-guard and shirtless. Keefe reaches for Sophie's shaking hand when she worries about her parents and promises her, “We’ll get them back safe. she asked, surprised he was using her first name. When they are talking about how they were flying over the ocean on, Sophie holds Keefe's arms and says she has a bad feeling, but Keefe covers her hand with his and promises that he won't lose against. Sophie didn't know what to make of the last part, but her heart flipped into hummingbird mode.”, “'I know.' Sophie felt like he wasn't kidding because of how soaked and shaky and pale he was, and because she couldn't stop shivering, she moved behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She hugged him as hard as she could--not caring who was watching.”, “Keefe gave her another reassuring shoulder pat- but when she flung the pillow aside and buried her face in her hands she heard him growl something like, 'screw it.' Keefe tells Sophie that he likes her eyes because they are much warmer than blue eyes. Keefe tells Sophie that he gave her the necklace to remember him by. . Sophie blushes when Keefe asks if she wants a demonstration of how he kissed Biana. Keefe drapes his hand over Sophie's shoulders and assures Sandor that he can take care of her.(Pg. What I can't handle is any more of the Sophie Shell who's been wandering around for the last few weeks, scaring the snot out of all of us. 15 Job Sophie runs as fast as she can to get Keefe to, Because Sophie promised Keefe she would get him through this, she tells Keefe about her new teleporting, her conversation with, In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one for when it was revealed that Mr. Forkle had a secret twin, and was alive, Keefe remembers that he made a promise to Mr. Forkle to "protect the moonlark". Sophie complimented Keefe’s change in hair, admitting that, “the beachy look. p. 498, In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one about when Keefe's ability was triggered, he mentions that if Sophie hadn't left their minds connected, he would've retreated into the darkness, but he came back for her, and he always will. Residence Keefe tells her that it's nice having someone look out for him and when Sophie tells him he doesn't make it easy, he says it's just another thing they have in common. Not the one taking charge of everything. I could be your hero any day. Sophie makes Keefe promise that if things got too tough, he'll walk away no matter what. Eye Color Keefe whimpers and says "Someone hold me." She begs him to be careful and she tells him that she trusts him. 1/2 cup butter 2 cups butterscotch chips (divided) 2/3 cup packed light brown sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour Sophie and Keefe trust each other and try to be there for the other. ", "If I thought there was even the slightest chance we could catch her, Foster and l would be having a slumber party tonight." Keefe tells Sophie not to worry about him and begs for her not to hate him, but trust him. She also has pale skin and a diamond-shaped face with round cheeks.
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