keeper of the lost cities keefe
Sophie and Keefe continue to help each other throughout the whole book. He's the son of Lord Cassius and Lady Gisela. Camilla1022 published on November 11, 2019 1 response 0 Keefe is tall with messy, artfully and carefully disheveled blonde hair and startling ice blue eyes. Sophie later notes that Biana has been a lot less flirty with Keefe and that it seems she has moved on. Keefe wins by a hair, and he learns that his mother, in the message, told Dimitar to challenge Keefe to a fight to "prove that he's not worthless like the others." Believe me, it drives my parents crazy. She was raised by humans, created by the Black Swan in order to heal minds, and originally brought to the Lost Cities by Fitz Vacker. In the sixth book, Keefe denies having a liking for Biana and admits that he flirts with everybody else to try to send the message when speaking with Sophie, although it's possible this could be a cover for flirting with Sophie a lot. Basic Information Grady is Sophie's father and has always been mistrusting and disapproving of Keefe. He dyes Iggy a new color, and writes Sophie a letter explaining that he was going to hide "like how the Black Swan hid you", and tells her not to look for him and to forget about him. When they first meet, Keefe doesn't want Tam to take a reading of him, which makes it hard for them to trust each other. However he does mention to Sophie various times that all his jokes and teasings are just a facade which he hides behind. And he’s always there when she needs him, even if he sometimes makes questionable decisions. In the end of Unlocked, Keefe ran away to places unknown to protect others from him. How do we ever trust you again?". He has many friends and he would do anything for them. ... Take a personality quiz and find out which character you are most like in the "Keeper of the Lost Cities" series. In the fourth book, Keefe admits that he has kissed Biana before in a dare, describing it as "mostly on the cheek." He is able to fix the situation by yelling "Feel", but this causes a fear of talking that continues for most of the book. Keefe Sencen (Keef Sen-sin) is a main character in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. Ice Blue In Nightfall though,after Keefe returns from his bed rest, Keefe talks with Sophie and makes her feel better. brant, elf, alden. Later, after Keefe knows about his mom being in the Neverseen, he says he is surprised his dad "turned out to be the good parent". One also gets a glimpse at his more compassionate side when Sophie is upset about Alden's broken mind. In contrast to his role in the first book, Keefe's role in the second one is more important. Job Known Black Swan Members Sophie brings Keefe human cookies and Keefe describes it as "something no one has ever done for him before", and Sophie comes to him for advice about resetting her abilities. “Back to nag me already? Facing this discovery, Keefe decides to run away from the Lost Cities in order to protect everyone from the havoc and leverage this ability could bring the Neverseen. Alden is like a father to Keefe, always allowing him to stay over and making sure everything is working out for Keefe. Distinctive Features Read Keefe Sencen from the story Keeper of the lost cities by Lucian13 with 1,616 reads. He also begins to think that his father is a part of the Neverseen, but to his dismay, finds out that it is actually his mother. He’s Fitz’s best friend, but he also feels a strong connection to Sophie—and not just because he loves teasing her. Mr. Forkle ♦ Blur ♦ Coiffe ♦ Della Vacker ♦ Granite ♦ Juline Dizznee ♦ Livvy ♦ Lur ♦ Magnate Leto Kerlof ♦ Mitya ♦ Prentice Endal ♦ Sior ♦ Sir Tiergan ♦ Sir Astin ♦ Squall ♦ Timkin Heks ♦ Tinker ♦ Wraith ♦ Jolie Lucine Ruewen, Known Neverseen Members His parents (particularly his father), however, don't appreciate his talents, and even tell him art is a waste of time. Broken, hurt, remorseful, and overcome by guilt, he joins the Neverseen as a double agent in an attempt to stop them, as he feels responsible for all they have done. Keefe has often been interpreted to show his love for Sophie in many moments throughout the book series, though she doesn't appear to know it herself. He ends up being assigned Ro, King Dimitar's daughter. A telepathic girl is the key to an unknown world and it’s up to her to save it in the thrilling Keeper of the Lost Cities series. After learning that his mother had a Washer hide many of his memories of her when he was a child, he joins the Neverseen in order to find answers and help Sophie and the Black Swan. Keefe leaps away from Havenfield with the intention to join the Neverseen, but Sophie follows him after seeing his suspicious crystal. In Lodestar, it is shown that Keefe was impressed by how Linh controlled the river so well. That's why I made sure I have the best hair.”. Unfortunately, due to King Enki's betrayal, Keefe and all the others are detained regardless. Unfortunately, his Empathy also tells him that Sophie doesn't feel the same way around him. 'Well, when you put it that way!'”. Keefe is tall with messy, artfully and carefully disheveled blonde hair and startling ice blue eyes. The two both use the nickname "Wonderboy" for Fitz. New powers will … Sandor acts annoyed but is actually very fond of Keefe and sometimes trusts him. When Mr. Forkle passes away in Lumenaria, Keefe was there to hold Sophie in his arms, keeping her together. Keeper of the lost cities-Who is better, Fitz or Keefe? In neverseen Sophie sees the "real Keefe" in exilliums tent who is just a scared, angry boy. Nonetheless, the two are great friends. Keefe cares a lot about Biana and it is clear that he does not wish for her to get hurt. Throughout the book, it is hinted to be over jealousy, most likely over their relationships with Sophie. —Keefe Sencen, in Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities Keefe is tall with messy, artfully and carefully disheveled blonde hair and startling ice blue eyes. Not the one taking charge of everything. He jokingly suggested to Elwin to rename the Healing Center "The Foster Center" because of how many times Sophie has been a patient there. He also challenged King Dimitar to a fight, although this was not strictly necessary. He has shown to be extremely tender and loving towards her, even small hints of jealousy when she confesses her crush on Fitz Vacker in Flashback. THE MOST UGLY ELF ON THE PLANET. Pale KeefsterLord HunkyhairLord Funkyhair That Boy Fitz Vacker is his best friend, and Keefe has always wished he was a Vacker - to the point of him seeing the Vackers as his family, and as such spends a lot of time with them. His ability as an Empath allows him to read her feelings, which makes him understand her in ways no one else can. Keefe light-leaps away to the Forbidden Cities. Grady Ruewen stops Keefe as he is about to leave, but ultimately lets him go; however, he makes him take an Imparter in case of emergencies. Home books author characters. (Keefe noticed that Lex's hand was cold, and he manifested as a Froster, that Bex's hand was squishy, and she manifested as a Phaser, and that Rex's hand felt "empty", not unlike Kesler's).This causes Dex and Keefe to assume Rex will be Talentless. Crossword Puzzle. He was also worried that the Neverseen might have hurt Linh, showing he somewhat cares for her. KEEPER of the LOST CITIES. It is implied that he uses jokes and pranks as a mask, partly to hide the emotional abuse he has suffered, and also rebels to take back the control he desires from his life. At the end of the book, Keefe fights his mother atop Mount Everest and begins to harbor a deep grudge against her. He is said to have broad shoulders. In Exile, he admits to Sophie that he often hides behind his jokes and teasing. Why does it keep spiralling and spiralling and spiralling?”, “I'm Batman, so I could be your hero any day.”, “Dude, you did not just insult the Hair.”, “I've kissed lots of things! He also likes to play Bramble with Fitz and Biana. Keefe finally flees the Neverseen while Sophie is at the Peace Summit; he finds her at Lumenaria and is there when Mr. Forkle dies. Candleshade • Shores of Solace. When he and Sophie make contact with Lady Gisela through his blood-sealed imparter, she answers. Male Because I seem to remember you having a bummer few weeks and then everything went back to Perfect Vacker-land. Foxfire Level Benesh Vacker ♦ Kesler Dizznee ♦ Brisa ♦ Caprise Redek ♦ Ceri ♦ Cyrah Endal ♦ Harlin Vacker ♦ Juji ♦ Jurek ♦ Marella's Dad ♦ Luzia Vacker ♦ Mai Song ♦ Norene Vacker ♦ Ollie Heks ♦ Orem Vacker ♦ Quan Song ♦ Quinlin Sonden ♦ Silla Heks ♦ Lady Pemberley, Humans (Category) Blond King Dimitar ♦ Queen Gundula ♦ Cadfael, Gnomes (Category) He is also kind to Sophie when she is at her weakest. Unfortunately, without more information, all Sophie learns is that she had been visited by elves while she was still living with her human family. Queen Hylda ♦ Brielle ♦ Bunhead ♦ Cadoc ♦ Councillors' Bodyguards ♦ Lefty and Righty ♦ Lovise ♦ Woltzer, Ogres (Category) "How? Ro has to call him Lord Hunkyhair after she lost a bet in Flashback, although she usually calls him Lord Funkyhair. Their friendship began in Level Two at Foxfire when Keefe was the weird guy who skipped a level, and Fitz was the guy who kept disappearing all the time. The sparkly red dragon twinkled almost as much as Keefe's eyes as he said, "I went in to check on our boy and found him cuddling with THIS!" Some motivations behind the challenge may be guilt and/or protecting Sophie. Confident and cute, with infamously awesome hair, he’s always ready with a joke—whether the situation calls for it or not. This book gives readers a glimpse into what it's like to be in Keefe's world. THE MOST UGLY ELF ON THE PLANET. Keefe can feel Sophie's emotions without physical contact, but he needs physical contact for everyone else. Hair Color Keefe x reader x bath water. Keefe always wants to join Sophie on her adventures and is there for her various times throughout the series. They grow further apart, with Fitz feeling unable to trust Keefe and Keefe in turn mostly communicating with Sophie. In Legacy, Sophie and Keefe spend a lot of time together, even though she was "dating" Fitz. In mid-Flashback, Sophie and Fitz admit their feelings for each other and become a couple. Alvar Soren Vacker/The Boy Who Disappeared ♦ Brant ♦ Fintan Pyren ♦ Gethen ♦ Jolie Lucine Ruewen ♦ Lady Gisela ♦ Ruy Ignis ♦ Trix ♦ Umber ♦ Vespera, Important Bodyguards It can be noted that the "mostly" rather than only was brought by Biana turning her head on the cheek kiss (which was a dare) and having him catch the corner of her mouth. Foster (Freeman) Family 16 An example of this was his impulsivity in joining the Neverseen despite the risks and danger it could potentially bring to his friends. Job Biana Vacker • Dex Dizznee • Fitz Vacker • Keefe Sencen • Linh Song • Ruy Ignis • Sophie Foster • Tam Song • Timkin Heks. It is not 100% Percent accurate, but no test can be 100% Accurate. Keefe is the first person Sophie tells that she is unmatchable, even if circumstance forced it. So where's my perfect fix? When Tam and Fitz get trapped behind a force field, Sophie decides she has no choice but to inflict on them. Sophie comes out wearing a red dress that compliments her eyes and catches both Keefe and Fitz staring at her. Sophie replies, "I'm never going to hate you, Keefe." In this extra special installment of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, the story picks up right from Legacy’s particularly devastating cliffhanger. 5 out of 5 … She questions it… Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. In the Barnes and Noble exclusive edition Ro refers to Sophie as Keefe's "little girlfriend" and teases him about his crush on Sophie. Family In Nightfall when Keefe is apologizing for betraying everyone, Tam tells Keefe he is not worthless but parents like theirs can make him feel that way. He also gave her his cloak to keep her warm a couple of times. His ability as an Empath allows him to read her feelings, which makes him understand her in ways no one else can. Sophie has described him as very handsome and has remarked that many other girls probably find him attractive. You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. Despite his father's seriousness, Keefe is fun-loving and humorous, even giving the nickname Glitter Butt to Silveny despite her importance. Elf In this Test you will find out which Keeper of the Lost Cities character you are. He has shown to be extremely loving towards her, displaying hints of jealousy when she confesses her crush on Fitz Vacker in Flashback after Fitz and Sophie started dating. He has a lean, slim frame and, as of Nightfall, a scar under his ribs from King Dimitar's attack. Biana is the sister of Keefe's best friend, Fitz. Lady Gisela was once referred to as the better parent, due to her more distant nature compared to his dad's abuse. 45) 2. But chapters alternate between Sophie and Keefe’s perspectives to give readers deeper insights into both beloved characters. They also shared two "window slumber parties", where they both sleep at their respective windowsills, covered in blankets, just to enjoy each other's company. During Nightfall, Keefe gives Sophie a painting of her with Grady and Edaline, and one of her, him, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Wylie, and during Legacy, Keefe paints a picture of Fitz and Sophie together by the Panakes tree upon Fitz's request to do so. In Lodestar, Keefe impersonated Magnate Leto at Foxfire and led Sophie inside "his" office. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Book 6: Nightfall, he continually hints that he likes Sophie. He still seems to love his mother deep down but doesn't want to admit it. Aliases I just made it better! He was later allowed to rejoin his friends. He is very meticulous with his hair and is known to have several Elvin hair products. When Alden's mind is broken, the grief is agonizing for Keefe. In Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confessed their feelings for each other. Despite this, he reassures Sophie that she and Fitz are perfect together and he is supportive of their relationship. He is very meticulous with his hair and is known to have several Elvin hair products. Empathy, photographic memory, mimicking voices Sophie also states that he has very long and dark eyelashes. Keefe Sencen In Nightfall, Keefe is no longer associated with the Neverseen. Keefe is an amazing artist. 5 out of 5 stars (31) $ 34.68. Afterward, there was a lack of trust between them. He enjoys teasing people, especially Sophie and has a crush on her. It is often used for the oldest child of a family. While doing this, Keefe notices weird feelings about the triplets' hands, but disregards it until Dex mentions in an Imparter conversation that Lex and Bex manifested, but Rex did not. In Legacy, Sophie has often come to Keefe to help her with many things. Many girls in Foxfire have crushes on him, but it is obviously shown Keefe only loves Sophie Foster. Main Article and Affiliated Places Gender He tells Sophie to stay away because he doesn't want her witnessing his weakness. 16 I hear spelunking's fun. It is the second book in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. Sophie also states that he has very long and dark eyelashes. He sees the Vacker's as his family and spends a lot of time with them. Keeper of the Lost Cities, KOTLC Book, Keefe Sensen Fan hoodie, Book gift for daughter, Gift for youth, Youth hoodie, Gift for book lover sweatshirtclub. Keefe is desperate to gain the memories stolen by his mother, and when he does, his fears come to light: it's revealed he was never meant to be a hero, but a Neverseen member. She saved his life in Everblaze, tackling Lady Gisela, who tried to shoot him with a melder. In Lodestar, Lord Cassius seems to be softer on Keefe as he asks Sophie to tell Keefe that "If he ever comes back he'll always have a home." Because our family doesn't decide who we are. However, he does not play a large role in the events that go down with the Black Swan and the group later known to be the Neverseen. Candleshade (formerly)Shores of Solace (currently) Foxfire student, Black Swan Member, former Neverseen Member/Double Agent, spying in the Neverseen Skin Color He also shows signs of wanting to protect Keefe as well as Sophie. Lost Cities Keeper Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Oooh, or you could try swimming with the krakens! ... Keefe promised, waving his arms and almost knocking over the ugly lamp on the table next to the bed. His most famous prank was the Great Gulon Incident (Details are highly classified, and have not been revealed in any of the books so far). And he’s always there when she needs him, even if he sometimes makes questionable decisions. This selflessness can often be reckless, however, since he considers himself both expendable and partly responsible for his mother's actions. Also in Neverseen, when Keefe says "Hold hands and look into each other's eyes", he reveals that he is quite jealous of Fitz and knows Sophie has romantic feelings for Fitz through his special ability, Empathy. Age Sophie, Keefe, and Lady Cadence deliver a scroll to King Dimitar from Lady Gisela (Keefe's mom) that requested that Keefe proves he is worthy and that he gets a bodyguard for extra protection. When Keefe ran away to join the Neverseen, Grady got more upset at him. He joined the Neverseen as a double agent in an attempt to infiltrate it and tear it down from the inside, as well as to sneak information to the Black Swan. Aliases In Nightfall, Lady Gisela says that Keefe inherited it from her. This is probably my most ridiculous accomplishment of the week. Keefe often visits Havenfield, and the share some sweet moments which hint at more than what is said. Keefe is a factor in Sophie's decision to remain friends with Fitz. He joined the Neverseen as an attempt to infiltrate their organization and tear it down from the inside as well as to sneak information to the Black Swan. So many, in fact, that when they are looking through his bedroom in Lodestar, Tam says, "Dude - this guy uses more hair products than I do!" Sophie mentions multiple times that she thinks his drawings are incredibly realistic, so much that they look like photographs. He seems to admit that he will tell her soon, and at the beginning of Flashback, he continues to flirt with her and compliment her. When Keefe is about to go to Ravagog alone, Sophie talks him out of it, this shows how he feels for Sophie, and how he will listen to her more than his other friends. In the showdown at the end of the book, Tam ends up blasting shadowflux into him to activate his new ability. Amy Rose Foster ♦ Emma Iris Foster ♦ William David Foster ♦ Connor, Kate, and Natalie Freeman After his legacy is carried out, he is left in a state that is like a coma. Ambi Hemisphere • Left Hemisphere • Right Hemisphere, Staff This is most likely due to many girls liking Fitz, including Sophie. He also is very mischievous about his crush on Sophie Foster. Additionally, both were extremely emotionally distant throughout Keefe's life. Sophie and Keefe met midway through Keeper of the Lost Cities and since that time the two have become good friends. Keefe is an only child, and his best friend is Fitz Vacker. The two are very close and have known each other throughout their school lives. Keefe always seems to find ways to annoy Dame Alina (while she was principal of Foxfire) and even set a record for most detentions, while finding ways to prank many other people. Please don't hate me." “No matter how much he hated or feared his mother, some tiny, reluctant part of him was always going to care about her a little.”. Please do not add projects unrelated to this. Affilations Books Keeper of the Lost Cities. Keefe does not correct her when she says this. Conect with other Keepers! Blonde In Nightfall, Biana says that it's a struggle knowing that the person you like doesn't like you back, most likely referring to Keefe. Prior to coming late to meet Sophie due to Keefe fixing his hair, Keefe excuses it by saying he needed to look good for the ladies, (meaning Sophie) causing her to blush. He has family issues (even claiming the role of troublemaker with Daddy Issues), as his father was both verbally and emotionally abusive, while his mother, a member of the Neverseen before Keefe was even born, treats him as a pawn in her overarching plan. In Legacy, Lady Gisela appeared to drink something out of a vial to get Keefe a new ability to fulfill his "legacy". He had later found out that it wasn't only his mother who was part of the Neverseen, it was also Alvar Vacker, whom Keefe looked up to and previously called his "hero." It was written by Shannon Messenger and published in 2012 by Aladdin. They have also grown closer as friends as Fitz and Keefe's friendship becomes more strained. This impressed Keefe's father because Silveny is the key to the people's faith in the Council, and saving the Timeline to Extinction.
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